Intel Owl Release v1.0.0

05 Jul 2020 Eshaan Bansal intelowl threatintel featured
Intel Owl is an Open Source Intelligence, or OSINT solution to get threat intelligence data about a specific file, an IP or a domain from a single API at scale. It integrates a number of analyzers available online and is for everyone who needs a single point to query for info about a specific file or observable. Born at the start of 2020 (announcement), this fresh and new tool was accepted as part of the Google Summer of Code under The Honeynet Project.

The Honeynet Project has a new Chief Research Officer

09 Oct 2019 The Honeynet Project featured
The Honeynet Project recently appointed a new Chief Research Officer, Tamas Lengyel. We want to thank again Lukas Rist for leading and growing our research over the past years, and welcome Tamas that accepted the role. Tamas is Chapter Lead of Malware Analytics at Scale (MAS) and has been an active GSoC mentor over several years now with Honeynet. In his day job he is Senior Security Researcher at Intel, where he is focusing on low-level system security research, primarily working with hypervisors and firmware.

GSoC 2018 Project Summary: Infection Monkey

05 Feb 2019 Daniel Haslinger 2018 gsoc gsoc2018 infection-monkey project student
The Infection-Monkey team for GSoC 2018 wrote this post as a project summary of their GSoC 2018 experience Team: Student: Vakaris Žilius Mentor: Daniel Goldberg Introduction During GSOC 2018, Vakaris worked with me on the Infection Monkey. The Infection Monkey is an open source security tool for testing a data center’s resiliency to perimeter breaches and internal server infection. The Monkey uses various methods to self propagate across a data center and reports success to a centralized Monkey Island server.

GSoC 2018 Project Summary: Conpot

18 Aug 2018 Daniel Haslinger conpot gsoc ics python scada
Abhinav Saxena wrote this post as a project summary of his GSoC2018 experience. What did we achieve? The following features and changes were implemented: Migration of the codebase from Python 2.7 to Python 3.5 (issue #358, code: #374) Implementation of FTP (RFC 959) and TFTP (RFC 1350) protocol stacks based on gevent (issue #352, code: ftp and tftp) Implementation of an abstract filesystem that proxies and wraps an actual file system by providing os.

Google Summer of Code 2018

23 Jan 2018 Maximilian Hils gsoc
After successfully participating in GSoC between 2009 and 2017, and having created or extended many honeynet technologies that have since gone on to become industry standard tools, we are very happy to announce that The Honeynet Project has applied to be a mentoring organization once again in GSoC 2018. While last year’s GSoC saw significant changes to the program structure, the program has not seen major adjustments this year. We are very happy that the new payment model and the added third evaluation came to stay!

HoneyNED chapter had a busy 2017

22 Dec 2017 Rogier Spoor chapter honeyned report
This is a contribute by HoneyNED chapter from the Netherlands about all their 2017 activities. As the end of the year has come, we from HoneyNED, the Dutch Honeynet chapter, want to share what has happened during the year. We have worked on several projects in the honey space and a few members represented our chapter at the annual Honeynet workshop hosted in Australia. In this post, we will discuss what honeypots have been deployed, what projects are in the pipeline and what will be the focus in 2018.

The Honeynet Project will bring GSoC students to the annual workshop in Canberra

03 Nov 2017 Roberto Tanara canberra gsoc workshop
The Honeynet Project annual workshop is just few days away, members and security folks from all over the world will gather in Canberra, Australia November 15th-17th. Every year the Honeynet Project, with the support of Google, funds a bunch of students that were admitted to the Google Summer of Code program and successfully completed their project assignments. They will have a chance to travel to the workshop and meet face to face with honeynet members and grown up experts in the security field.

GSoC 2017 Project Summary: Glutton improvements, the new “all eating honeypot”

23 Oct 2017 Roberto Tanara gsoc glutton
Student Mohammad Bilal contributed this post as a project summary of his GSoC2017 experience. Merged Pull Requests 1- Connection Timeout Added Issues Resolved: #72, #59 Description Glutton support number of services (protocol handlers) so each service mean number of connection on that service. So It crash after some time with error: [user.tcp] accept tcp [::]:5000: accept4: too many open files, and this error was due to the allowance of limited number of open file descriptors by the operating system.