Google Summer of Code 2018

23 Jan 2018 Maximilian Hils gsoc

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After successfully participating in GSoC between 2009 and 2017, and having created or extended many honeynet technologies that have since gone on to become industry standard tools, we are very happy to announce that The Honeynet Project has applied to be a mentoring organization once again in GSoC 2018.

While last year’s GSoC saw significant changes to the program structure, the program has not seen major adjustments this year. We are very happy that the new payment model and the added third evaluation came to stay! At Honeynet, we collected extensive feedback from mentors last year and will use that to improve our students’ experience - more on that later. Based on the very positive feedback from last year, we’ll definitely continue to use our now not-so-new-anymore GSoC Slack channel and we are excited to talk to you there!

Google will be announcing the list of lucky selected mentoring organizations on February 12th. Until then, you can find everything you should need to know in the new GSoC 2018 section of our public website, including our list of potential student project ideas, our GSoC Student Application Tips plus details of how to get in touch with us.

If you want to see examples of the kind of projects and experiences gained by last years successful students, check out:

So until then, happy background reading, and fingers crossed that we will be talking to lots of interesting students about exciting summer projects once again in a few weeks time!