Interview with Per Thorsheim, PasswordsCon Founder and Organizer, speaker at the Honeynet Workshop 2015

13 Apr 2015 Leon van der Eijk hpw2015-d52 norway stavanger workshop
Per Thorsheim is the founder & main organizer of Passwordscon, the worlds first and only conference about passwords and digital authentication. After pwning a Fortune 500 in a day because of a lazy sysadmin using “Password” as his password 16 years ago, Per has been researching the security and usability of the one security technology that pretty much everyone uses every single day. What was your motivation to enter the Information Security field, and who inspired and helped you along the way?

Interview with Kai Roer, "Hacking Your Mind" at Honeynet Workshop 2015

29 Mar 2015 The Honeynet Project hpw2015-d52 norway stavanger workshop
Kai Roer is focusing on user awareness, security culture and the study of how our human mind makes us vulnerable and exploitable. He consults with people and organizations on the interpersonal skills that are vital to a successful and trusted secure environment. He is the creator of the Security Culture Framework, a columnist at Help-Net Security and the author of a number of books about cybersecurity and leadership. His latest book is “Build a Security Culture”.

Deutsche Telekom Give Their Views on the Hottest Topics at Honeynet Project Workshop 2015

05 Mar 2015 Leon van der Eijk hpw2015-d52 norway stavanger workshop
This year, the annual Honeynet Project Workshop 2015 event will be sponsored by Deutsche Telekom. In anticipation of the event, we did an exclusive interview with André Vorbach (IT-Security Expert) and Markus Schmall (Vice President IT Security) to find out how Deutsche Telekom is getting involved and what they see as the hot topics at this year’s workshop. HNP: Thanks for taking the time to do this interview with us today.