GSoC 2018 Project Summary: Conpot

18 Aug 2018 Daniel Haslinger conpot gsoc ics python scada
Abhinav Saxena wrote this post as a project summary of his GSoC2018 experience. What did we achieve? The following features and changes were implemented: Migration of the codebase from Python 2.7 to Python 3.5 (issue #358, code: #374) Implementation of FTP (RFC 959) and TFTP (RFC 1350) protocol stacks based on gevent (issue #352, code: ftp and tftp) Implementation of an abstract filesystem that proxies and wraps an actual file system by providing os.

dpkt v2.0

22 Feb 2016 Kiran Bandla dpkt gsoc python
What is dpkt? dpkt is a Python library that helps with “fast, simple packet creation/parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocols”. It supports a lot of protocols (currently about 63) and has been increasingly used in a lot of network security projects. It is 44x faster than Scapy2, and 5x faster than Impacket3. With Scapy no longer in development, dpkt is the only network creation/parsing library for Python that is active.

Quechua - beta version

27 Jul 2012 zaccone c data-mining framework gsoc machine-learning python
Quechua beta version Hello World! All GSoC 2012 students, including those working for HoneyNet, started their projects a long time ago. Since “Midterm evaluation” has passed too, I would like to share some experience and code with you. Please keep in mind this is still a beta version and some things may change during the second part of coding period, however comments and tips will be helpful, as always :-)

Mapping geographic data

15 May 2011 Oguz Yarimtepe django geodjango python
Visualization is a niche area especially at the security analysis. As mentioned in a well-known sentence; “A picture is worth a thousand words”. The importance and the power of the visualization in the security area stands out with the ability to define multi-dimensional data with a single shape. When addressing the creating a mesh tiled 3D view on an Earth map, i was reading about the geoweb application development. A geoweb application consists of some components.

Iteolih: Python Benchmark

24 May 2009 Markus Koetter iteolih python
As the plan is to embedd python as scripting language into the honeypot, I ran a benchmark on a testsuite. The ’testsuite’ is a c core which accepts connections, and allows python to deal with the input. The protocol used for benchmarking is http, the service serves a non static html page. I tested 2.6.2_(release26-maint,_Apr_19_2009,_02:15:38) 3.0.1+_(r301:69556,_Apr_15_2009,_17:22:45)_ 3.1a1+_(py3k,_Mar_30_2009,_02:02:26)_ To benchmark, I ran the apache benchmark tool ab ab -n 100000 -c 15 http://localhost:8080/bar