World-wide security training you cannot afford to miss!

03 Apr 2014 Julia Yuchin Cheng

The Honeynet Project will offer 4 world-class training courses for the 2014 workshop. The topics are as follows:

1. Understanding and Mitigating Botnets by Tillmann Werner: Tillmann is a specialist in botnet takeover. His talk will take the form of a comprehensive class beginning with botnet architecture introduction, ranging from old-school centralized IRC botnets to advanced P2P botnets. Learn, using hands-on exercises, the techniques used in modern botnets to improve resilience and discussed strategies to take them down.

2. Virtualization Security by Brian Hay: Brian is a researcher who specializes in virtualization and virtual machine introspection. He will introduce and overview virtualization, virtualization architectures, and virtualization platforms. Security challenges when using virtualized environments will be addressed along with the different security risks and mitigation strategies.

3. Reverse Engineering Android Malware by Mahmud Rahman: This speaker is a regular at popular conferences giving advanced security courses. His most recent talk was on reverse engineering android malware training in Dubai. He is going to offer this excellent course again in Warsaw. His hands-on course introduces the Android application framework, architecture and how to analyze and reverse engineer Android malware. Ample lab exercises will allow interaction with Android malware and reverse engineering of real-life Android samples.

4. Malware Reverse Engineering by Dr. Felix Leder: Dr. Leder, the director for malware research at Blue Coat, initialized and led the development of Norman’s Malware Analyzer G2. He has focused on new methodologies for executable and malware analysis for the last few years. In this course, Felix will teach the advanced method of structured reverse engineering to efficiently investigate malware by identifying major properties and identification criteria. The course will also present and utilize state-of-the-art tools for real world exercises. Note that this course is not for beginners.

More courses introduction is on the Don’t miss the trainings and register it now !