Thug: 1000 commits, 1000 thanks

10 Jun 2013 Angelo Dellaera honeyclient thug

Two years are passed from the first commit and taking a look at the number of committed patches I realized that right now the patch number 1000 was committed. Let me say it’s really impressive realizing it. In the last two years I had a lot of fun thinking and designing the future of this project and I’m really proud of what Thug turned to be. I have to thank a lot of persons who contributed with their suggestions, ideas, bug reports and sometimes patches. You know who you are. Really thanks! Stay tuned because I’m already moving towards patch number 2000 with a lot of new features and ideas like the Thug Honeyclient Distributed Task Queing.

Thug provides a DOM implementation which is (almost) compliant with W3C DOM Core, HTML, Events, Views and Style specifications (Level 1, 2 and partially 3). It makes use of the Google V8 Javascript engine wrapped through PyV8 in order to analyze malicious Javascript code and of the Libemu library wrapped through Pylibemu in order to detect and emulate shellcodes.

Currently 8 Internet Explorer (Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7), 6 Chrome (Windows XP, Windows 7, MacOS X, Android 4.0.3, Linux), 3 Firefox (Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux) and 3 Safari (Windows XP, Windows 7, MacOS X) personalities are emulated and about 90 vulnerability modules (ActiveX controls, core browser functionalities, browser plugins) are provided.

The source code is available here.

Have fun!