Google Summer of Code 2013 Student Application Deadline Friday May 3rd 19:00 UTC

02 May 2013 David Watson gsoc

With less that 24 hours now remaining until the official deadline for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2013 student applications (19:00 UTC Friday May 3rd 2013), this is our final call for interested and eligible GSoC students. If you are interested or intend to get involved, please apply now.

For anyone new to the GSoC program, or anyone who has already talked to us on IRC (#gsoc-honeynet on or on our public GSoC mailing list, please remember that you must still submit your student application the Google’s official GSoC 2013 form in Melange for it to be official.

Every year we have students who wait to the last minute and then either make a mistake converting the official 19:00 UTC deadline to their own timezone, or they have technical problems submitting in Melange during the final few seconds. Although you may enjoy a walk on the wild side and try to break our record of 7 seconds before the cut-off deadline, we very much want to receive your application and don’t want you to be disappointed or miss your chance of a great summer! So please remember to submit early and then edit as often as you want before the deadline. That is much less stress for everyone (particularly you!) ;-)

Even at this late stage, submitting a place holder student application is essential while you continue to work on it later. And don’t worry, we won’t review or score your half completed proposal, since formal reviews only occur after the official 19:00 UTC deadline.

To recap: the next GSoC 2013 milestone dates are student applications officially closing at 19:00 UTC on Friday May 3rd and then public announcement by Google of the full list of selected lucky students on Monday May 27th at 19:00 UTC.

In the intervening period, mentors will be reviewing all of the submitted student proposals (and may make contact with students to ask for more information, so please stay alert and in contact). Orgs will also be finding out how many student slots they receive from Google and selecting their best mix of students/projects/mentors to fill those slots.

Getting In Touch: GSoC 2013 information, contact details and background information can be found here and here, while potential project ideas can be found here. If you have any last minute questions about GSoC 2013 or the Honeynet Project in general, please get in touch ASAP (preferably by IRC for a rapid response - #gsoc-honeynet on

Thanks to Google’s continuing generous support, we are very much looking forwards to hearing from potential students, and finding out what great projects we can do together. It should be another very interesting summer.