Reversing Malicious Flashy Flash and Dissecting Malicious Document with Mahmud!

25 Jan 2013 Sjur Usken dubai dubai2013 flash mahmud malicious speak talk workshop

We have interviewed Mahmud ab Rahman, who currently works as an Information Security Specialist for Malaysia Computer Emergency and Response Team (MyCERT) under the umbrella of CyberSecurity Malaysia. His areas of focus are network security,botnet monitoring, and malware analysis. He is also one of the teachers for the Honeynet Workshop in Dubai 10-12 of February and will give a talk about Reversing Malicious Flashy Flash and a full workshop on Dissecting Malicious Document Attacks

So, Mahmud, why did you become a security expert?

I become involve in security arena due to my interest in poking with any barriers set for it. It could be anything, not necessary outsmarting security solutions. Most of the time we can outsmart our adversaries as well. :). Never the less, this is my hobby, so what possibly go wrong with a paid hobby?. :)

What will you talk about?

i’ll take about a topic on reverse engineering malicious flash file. In this talk i’ll cover on multiple ways to help dealing with with malicious flash. As for the training, i’ll cover more on analyzing those malicious files which being used in targeted attacks.

What do you love the most being a security expert?

The most dramatically changing environment is infosec industry,imho. Any new technologies are pushed to the market today, you’ll need to be ready with security mindset for it. So, it will always provides a soft-landing
for everyone to start working on any security involvement with any latest technologies.

I remembered the day i switched my focus research into Android malware due to increasing attack surface on Android and ditching my research on Symbian due to the decreasing of market gain by Symbian. This industry is providing my brain with never ending problems to solve. It makes my brain working and kicking!. :)

What do you think the future security threats will be like?

The prediction game for security landscape 2013 is over!. :). The security threats will change, that is part of threat’s attribute!. Into what shape?, Only time will tell. Do not need to chicken-out when the landscape change, adapt to it!.

What is your best tip for security professionals today?

Keep doing what you guys good at it. It’s not about being cool, it is about what you can contribute to our small security-circle,imho. How often do you bump to each other during any infosec conf?. :). Less ego, More humble are healthy bits for our community.

Why should people come to or sponsor the upcoming (and awesome) HP workshop in Dubai?

This is awesome community!. I believe HP have contributed a lot into infosec scene. By coming/sponsoring here you may be able to help HP to grows bigger and contributes more!

Thanks Ahmud for your time!

And check out the full schedule here and join us in Dubai 10-12th of February!