Felix Leder and his talk "Lord of the Rings – Monitoring malware behavior on all layers" in Dubai 10-12th of February!

19 Jan 2013 Sjur Usken

We have interviewed Felix Leder, who works as an innovation and new technology architect for Norman ASA. He has has presented classes around the world on malware analysis, reverse engineering, and anti-botnet approaches. He is also one of the teachers for the Honeynet Workshop in Dubai 10-12th of February and he will give a talk about: Lord of the Rings – Monitoring malware behavior on all layers and also teach a class on Malware Reverse Engineering

So Felix, why did you become a security expert?

I like to break things. And when you do like I do, security is an awesome playground. Security will never be perfect but as we are improving, the challenges get bigger. And with new challenges there is so much to learn. Most recently, I have enjoyed to look into how to break the design decisions and code developed by “the bad guys” (TM). Understanding why and how they do what they do includes everything from psychology to deep understanding of information technology.

And what will you talk about?

Two topics:
In my presentation I will talk about different ways to monitor malware behavior. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, like evasion possibilities and how anti-evasion works.
In the “Malware Reverse Engineering” training, I want to share some experiences on how to understand (and break) malware. We will start really slow so that everybody can get a good start on the topic and will
slowly progress into the nitty, gritty details up to the assembly level.
The whole training is covered with hands-on exercises to keep the fun up.

What do you love the most being a security expert?

To learn a lot of things and thinking out of the box.

What do you think the future security threats will be like?

Adaptive. For every security measure that is put in place, there will be a work-around.

What is your best tip for security professionals today?

Actually two things
Never stop looking at new stuff coming in and understand how threats are changing.
Always rely on a layered defense approach. You need to defend on all ends (that’s the defender’s dilemma).

Why should people come to or sponsor the upcoming (and awesome) HP workshop in Dubai?

You will never have such a great bunch of people around in one place.
And by that I not only mean that people are nice and like to exchange and discuss, but also that we will have an impressive skill level there. Since people are from all around the world sharing common interests, you will get a lot of input and your messages will spread around the globe.

Check out the full schedule here and join us in Dubai 10-12th of February!