6Guard: a honeypot-based IPv6 attack detector

27 Aug 2012 Xu Weilin 6guard attack detect globalpot honeypot ipv6-d51

6Guard is a honeypot-based IPv6 attack detector aiming at detecting the link-local level attacks, especially when the port-mirror feature of switch is unavailable.


    1. Download and install Scapy in your machine. (apt-get install python-scapy)
    1. Download the v1.0 tarball directly or the latest code from Github Repository, then extract it into a directory.


    1. Enter the directory of 6Guard.
    1. Run $ sudo ./conf_generator.py to generate the configuration files.
    1. Run $ sudo ./6guard.py.

Note: The ./conf directory stores the configuration files of the honeypots and the globalpot. The ./log directory stores the operation logs and the attacking records. The ./pcap directory stores the message-related packets that can be reviewed in Wireshark.

Detection Capability

6Guard is able to detect most attacks initiated by THC-IPv6 and the advanced IPv6 host discovery methods utilized by Nmap. In practical terms, this beta version could detect the attacks as below:

Group I of THC-IPv6. Fake Router Advertisement or Redirect ICMPv6

  • fake_router6
  • flood_router6
  • kill_router6
  • redir6

Group II of THC-IPv6. Fake Neighbour Solicitation/Advertisement

  • dos-new-ip6
  • parasite6
  • fake-advertise6
  • flood_advertise6
  • flood_solicitate6

Group III of THC-IPv6. Fake DHCPv6/DNS Server or Client

  • flood_dhcpc6

Group IV of THC-IPv6. Evil Consumer For Network resource or CPU resource

  • rsmurf6
  • smurf6
  • sendpees6
  • sendpeesmp6

Advanced IPv6 host discovery utilized by Nmap

  • targets-ipv6-multicast-echo.nse
  • targets-ipv6-multicast-invalid-dst.nse
  • targets-ipv6-multicast-slaac.nse


6Guard is based on Python and Scapy. Basically, it contains the three modules: honeypot, globalpot and event analysis.

The honeypot is a virtual low-interaction IPv6 host with the capability of NDP and StateLess Address Auto-Configuration. Consequently, it is responsible for detecting the unicast attacks.

The globalpot is a module focusing on detecting the multicast attacks. Since each honeypot would be able to capture the multicast attacks at the same time, then implementing the feature as a globalpot would simplify the detection significantly.

The event analysis module is responsible for analyzing the Event messages and generating an Attack message if detected. Such mechanism is useful for detecting attacks like dos-new-ip6: when one honeypot reported an Event message that the address was in use, it might be true, but if more honeypots reported the address-in-use message, we could know that the network was suffering dos-new-ip6 attack.

Consequently, the Attack messages comes from the honeypots, the globalpot and the event analysis module.

Detecting Examples

1. THC-IPv6: fake_router6 detected by globalpot

Attacking information:

  • Principle: Run a fake router on the Ethernet link.
  • Source: attacker
  • Destination: ff02::1
  • Attacker: source
  • Victim: ff02::1
  • Detected by: Globalpot
  • Example: sudo ./fake_router6 eth5 2002::1/64

Detected Attack message:

  • [ATTACK]
  • Timestamp: 2012-08-19 15:13:59
  • Reported by: Globalpot
  • Type: DoS
  • Name: Fake Router Advertisement
  • Attacker: [fe80::a00:27ff:feab:a569] 08:00:27:ab:a5:69 (CADMUS COMPUTER SYSTEMS)
  • Victim : [The whole network]
  • Utility: THC-IPv6: fake_router6
  • Packets: 30bc907683566e0f7a704a1e820aaeba.pcap

2. THC-IPv6: smurf6 detected by honeypot.

Attacking information:

  • Principle: fake an echo request destinating to ff02::1 (or other address)
  • Source: Victim
  • Destination: ff02::1 (or other addr)
  • Attacker: unknown
  • Victim: ip6.source
  • Detected by: Honeypot

Detected Attack message:

  • [ATTACK]
  • Timestamp: 2012-08-19 15:13:35
  • Reported by: Honeypot-apple-2A:C4:2D
  • Type: DoS
  • Name: Fake Echo Request
  • Attacker: [Unknown] 00:00:de:ad:be:ef (CETIA)
  • Victim : [Honeypot-apple-2A:C4:2D] 40:3C:FC:2A:C4:2D (Apple, Inc.)
  • Utility: THC-IPv6: smurf6
  • Packets: b12fe3415c1d61c1da085cb8811974a2.pcap

3. THC-IPv6: dos-new-ip6 detected by event analysis with the support of honeypots.

Attacking information:

  • Principle: (tons of DAD: address-in-use messages)
  • Source: Victim
  • Destination: ff02::1
  • Attacker: unknown
  • Victim: all machines
  • Detected by: Event Analysis with the support of honeypots

Detected Event messsage 1:

  • [EVENT]
  • Timestamp: 2012-08-19 21:06:22
  • Reported by: Honeypot-apple-2E:A4:E9
  • Type: DAD
  • Name: Address in use
  • Utility: Unknown
  • Packets: fd439f6174bfbc0de210bebe4add691e.pcap

Detected Event messsage 2:

  • [EVENT]
  • Timestamp: 2012-08-19 21:06:22
  • Reported by: Honeypot-Dell-0A:73:C9
  • Type: DAD
  • Name: Address in use
  • Utility: Unknown
  • Packets: 226555a1d6cfd7967e93e9b3efe6b91e.pcap

Detected Attack message:

  • [ATTACK]
  • Timestamp: 2012-08-19 21:06:23
  • Reported by: Event Analysis Center
  • Type: DoS
  • Name: dos-new-ip6
  • Attacker: [Unknown] 08:00:7a:7c:05:74 (INDATA)
  • Victim : [Honeypot-apple-2E:A4:E9] 00:26:4A:2E:A4:E9 (Apple, Inc)
  • Utility: THC-IPv6: dos-new-ip6
  • Packets: 2f93cf4f4c889887ed1fe70e7d0a4230.pcap