Interesting Reads: Monday 25th June

25 Jun 2012 Matt Erasmus interesting malware monday news reading twitter

Another Monday has been and gone (on this side of the world at least). I thought I’d sit down again and share some of the interestingness (yes, that’s a word now) that came through my various news feeds over the course of the weekend. I’m hoping this week will be a little less malware focused, but I can’t make any promises.

news.source == “twitter”

@mboman: New blog post: MART - Malware Analyst Research Toolkit: Cuckoo Sandbox:
When I analyze potentially malicious so…

@nicolasbrulez: IDA Python : Defeating Flame String Obfuscation with IDAPython
From the @SpiderLabs blog (well worth following)

IAmA a malware coder and botnet operator, AMA
Yes, [is a rather old post now and I’m sure most people have read it by now, but it’s still worth posting.

More awesome Cuckoo Sandbox stuff.
@xme: [/dev/random]: CuckooMX:]( Automating Email Attachments Scanning with Cuckoo

news.source == “{rss,atom}”

Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering

Via @briankrebs PharmaLeaks: Rogue Pharmacy Economics 101

There’s an interesting series of articles on Rootkit technologies starting here

The more than awesome folks over at NoStarch have released a sample chapter (pdf) of the upcoming book “Designing BSD Rootkits”: Practical Hooking techniques"

I’m sure there’s more out there, but that will do for now.

As always, if anyone has comments or questions on this, please feel free to get in touch.
