powered by Cuckoo

25 Jan 2012 Guillaume Arcas gsoc malware-sandbox-cuckoo

We are proud and happy to announce that a new free malware analysis online service is born. is based on Cuckoo Sandbox, a project mentored by the Honeynet Project, sponsored by GSoC and developped by Claudio “nex” Guarnieri (@botherder), Dario Fernandes and Alessandro “jekil” Tanasi (@jekil). hosting is provided by ShadowServer.

If you want to test Cuckoo’s flavor before installing it or if you’re too lazy to deploy your own sandbox, just go there ! :-)

If you want to learn more about Cuckoo Sandbox, you can register to the tutorial that Claudio Guarnieri will lead during 2012 Honeynet Project Security Workshop on March 20th, 2012.

2012 Honeynet Project Security Workshop @ Facebook, Inc. - SF Bay Area, CA, USA