SIP Module for Dionaea

27 Sep 2011 Guillaume Arcas gsoc

The Honeynet Project had mentored 12 projects this year for the Google Summer
of Code (GSoC). The 11th project was to extend the SIP module for
Dionaea to handle SIP udp, tcp and even tls. With the TLS part, the
Dionaea can even emulate a Microsoft Lync server. The TLS part was not
part of the original scope, but the hard work made that possible as

[Dionaea] intention is to trap malware
exploiting vulnerabilities exposed by services offered to a network,
the ultimate goal is gaining a copy of the malware. With the SIP
module, you can answer the SIP attacks, record the information. It is
also possible to make “real” users, so the attacker will get different
answers depending on which accounts he tries to hack. If you would
fake a Microsoft Lync installation, you could add some of the real
user names from your server and see if somebody is doing a targeted
attack towards you. (but of course, don’t use the same passwords…. )

Dionaea is meant to be a nepenthes successor, embedding python as
scripting language, using libemu to detect shellcodes, supporting ipv6
and tls

This year student was Phibo, which did a great job on extending the
SIP module. Markus Koetter, the author of Dionaea was of great help on
the coding and a quote from him: “Working with him was fun, I think
both of us have learned something and - even more important - the code
written exceeded my expectations.”

Test out Dionaea for yourself today!

The Honeynet Project would like to thank Phibo and especial Markus
Koetter for the great job done on this project. This could not have
been done without you! Thank you!

[Blog entry’s author: Sjur Eivind Usken]