Google SoC 2011 - Org Applications Finished

12 Mar 2011 David Watson gsoc gsoc-gsoc2011

23:00 UTC Friday March 11th was the first deadline for Google Summer of Code 2011, and the cut off point for organizations interesting in participating to complete their org application.

I’m very pleased to confirm that the Honeynet Project have once again applied. Whilst we now patiently wait for Google to announce which organizations will be selected to participate on March 18th, interested prospective students can start looking at our our initial GSoC 2011 project ideas and find more information about getting involved with the Honeynet Project and Google Summer of Code 2011 here - including contact details for email and IRC. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or project ideas.

Fingers crossed we’ll be working on some great student projects once again this summer, and big thanks to Google for their continued support for FOSS (and hopefully honeynet R&D!) in 2011 ;-)