Announcing the publication of Know Your Tools: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring

03 Nov 2010 Christian Seifert kye kyt qebek

I am very pleased to announce another publication of our Know Your Tools series: Qebek - Conceal the Monitoring authored by Chengyu Song and Jianwei Zhuge from the Chinese Chapter and Brian Hay from the Alaskan Chapter.

The paper is available from

Paper abstract
For the last few years, while low-interaction (LI) honeypot systems like Nepenthes and PHoneyC are getting more and more powerful, the progress of high-interaction (HI) honeypot technology has been somewhat slower. This is especially true for Sebek, the de-facto HI honeypot monitoring tool. In this KYT paper, we introduce Qebek, a QEMU based HI honeypot monitoring tool which aims at improving the invisibility of monitoring the attackers’ activities in HI honeypots.
