Another great step forward

11 Aug 2010 Angelo Dellaera

“Dionaea is meant to be a Nepenthes successor, embedding Python as scripting language, using libemu to detect shellcodes, supporting IPv6 and TLS” (taken from Dionaea homepage). Besides being the most interesting project for trapping malware exploiting vulnerabilities, Dionaea supports a really cool feature which allows it to log to XMPP services as described here. TIP now exploits this feature receiving and storing such logs (really thanks to Markus Koetter for his help and support). Just an example of what happened today…

2010-08-11 10:44:21+0200 [XmlStream,client] [Malware Sample] MD5: e4736922939a028384522b17e9406474 2010-08-11 10:44:21+0200 [XmlStream,client] [Malware Sample] SHA-1: 920b67cb250abdb593b1104a9922e2468b0fe252 2010-08-11 10:44:21+0200 [XmlStream,client] [Malware Sample] PEHash: 40891becb5ec8780f1c5e51f3971c9fb2cc17dab

Another great step forward was taken. Stay tuned!