The winners of the 4th Forensic Challenge 2010 VoIP are ...

24 Jul 2010 Christian Seifert challenge forensic-challenge

The 4th Forensic Challenge on VoIP has come to an end. We had a total of 21 submissions with several submissions from Chinese speakers which has been made possible by Julia, Jianwei and Roland from the Chinese speaking chapters.

The winners of the 4th Forensic Challenge 2010 VoIP are:

  1. Franck Guenichot (France)
  2. Fabio Panigatti (Italy)
  3. Shaun Zinck (USA)

We have posted their submissions onto the challenge web site so you can see what top notch submissions they provided. Franck, Fabio and Shaun will be awarded with small book prizes. Congratulations!

Thanks to all who participated in the challenge in particular Ben Reardon from the Australian and Sjur Eivind Usken from Norwegian Chapter who made this challenge possible.

Stay tuned for our next challenge on which I will be providing an update on towards the end of next week.

Chief Communication Officer
The Honeynet Project