Google Summer of Code 2010 Updated Ideas Page and Student Applications Open

05 Apr 2010 David Watson gsoc

On March 29th Google officially began accepting applications from students for Google Summer of Code 2010, which the Honeynet Project is very exicted to be participating in again this year as a mentoring organisation. We’ve recently updated our project ideas page and mentor information and students have until 19:00 UTC on Friday April 9th to apply (you can either chose one of our ideas or propose your own).

If you are interested in applying to be a student and you haven’t already said hello on #gsoc-honeynet on then please pop by if you have any questions. Most people find speaking to a project mentor before they apply helps them understand more about what is required to write a good application and we are always happy to answer questions (although please remember that since our members come from chapters all round the world it might take a few hours for someone to respond.

Further information from Google is available on their blog post announcing the program, along with the program timeline.

We are looking forward to receiving some great applications again this year…