Google Summer of Code 2010 Accepted Mentor Organisations List Announced

18 Mar 2010 David Watson gsoc

Much to the excitement of students all around the world, tonight Google officially announced which mentor organisations have been accepted for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2010, and the Honeynet Project are delighted to have been selected as one of 151 such mentoring organisations! You can view the full list here:

Fingers crossed we’ll that with Google’s continued support we’ll have the chance to once again meet some very motivated students, create some exciting new projects and gain some great new members over the coming months.

We’ll be continuing to make updates to our project ideas page over the coming days ( and we’d encourage prospective students to drop by on #gsoc-honeynet on to chat to our organisational admins and project mentors during the next two weeks. Please remember that you don’t have to apply for one of our project ideas, you can also propose your own project topic which we’ll try to find a suitable mentor for too. Google will begin accepting student applications from Monday, March 29 at 19:00 UTC.

We’ve got a wide range of projects and develop tools using most of the popular programming languages, so if you are an eligible student interested in open source software, information security or honeynet technologies and think spending your summer being paid by Google to work on an exciting software development project sounds like a great plan, we look forward to hearing from you.