Quick Update

05 Aug 2009 Thibaut Gadiolet axis honeyweb update webservice

Hi Folks,

I worked on the Front-End to make my interface more user-friendly, I don’t detail every modifications, we can split them in three:

  • Profile Management

  • Organisation Management

  • Honeyclient Management

My code is under Honeynet Subversion so you can consult it if you’re curious !
I also corrected a lot of bugs even if some of them are a bit persistent….

I discussed with Ian Welch, my tutor, about how to communicate between Honeyweb and honeyclients.
We chose to use Axis2 as the webservice technology and we imagine how to implement this.

In my previous blog entries, I talked about the framework which is pretty heavy. So I’m currently facing difficulties to integrate Axis to the Honeyweb Framework. But there is still hope !
However this task is very time-consuming so I’m trying to focus on different issues.

That’s why I am working on results visualization. Any Honeyclient will be able to send me a report via a webservice saying what URL is malicious/not malicious. Then the user can see these reports directly on the interface. I’ve almost done this part.

What would be interresting is to cross all the results from different users, different organisations …
So I guess I will focus on that right now and I am still on the Axis issue.
