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New features added !

19 Jun 2009 Thibaut Gadiolet

Hi folks,

It took me a long time to work on the data model, the back-end, to setup all my framework
(Tapestry+hibernate+Spring+ACEGI+Maven) but it’s done right now.

So I will post once a week I guess about new features I added.

I’d like to speak a bit about how my webapp works. The main goal is to separate every layer of my web.
e.g front-end/business/back-end :

Layers model

This week, you I added

  • sign up

  • sign in

  • add/remove an organization

  • add/remove honeypots.

I will be back to France in two weeks, then I’ll install CaptureHPC to start thnking about communication between my plateform and a honeypot client.
