Detecting and Containing Conficker - Management Overview

30 Mar 2009 Lance Spitzner kye conficker

The Honeynet Project is very excited to announce a new scanning tool for detecting Conficker and an upcoming Know Your Enemy paper detailing how to contain Conficker.  Both the paper and the tool have been developed by Honeynet Project members Tillmann Werner and Felix Leder.  The tool was developed over the weekend, in co-ordination with Dan Kamisnky, and this tool is now publicly available and is in the process of being integrated into most major vulnerability scanning tools, including Nmap.  The Know Your Enemy paper describing in far greater detail how to contain Conficker and the tool itself, will be released in the next forty-eight hours.  Both the scanning tool and the paper have been developed and coordinated with the efforts of the Conficker Working Group. We would like to thank them for their tremendous support, guidance and input on this research.

